jueves, 11 de agosto de 2011

Car registration plates / Matrículas de coches

Photo by: Krokodyl | CC BY-SA 3.0

Walking through the parking lot of the international organization I work for, I realized that the same letters were appearing in almost every car license plate. I'm not talking about 'CD' which everybody knows stands for 'Corps Diplomatique'. These letters were 'BN' and 'GN' and it couldn't just be a coincidence, so I did some research and I discovered that this actually means something:

"BN-GN: For vehicles whose owner is not liable to taxation such as staff from embassies without diplomatic status, consulates or international organisations such as ESA ('B'uitenlander in 'N'ederland or 'G'een 'N'ederlander meaning Foreigner in Netherlands or Not Dutch respectively)."
Source: Wikipedia, Vehicle Registration Plates of the Netherlands

I have to say now that I am just 'a normal person' :-), nor an ambassador nor an astronaut, thus my car license plate does not have 'BN' or 'GN'. Anyway, I am not so sure that I would like to have anything that says "I am not Dutch and I don't pay taxes here" to the rest of the world. Is this distinction really necessary? Would you like to have something like that?

Caminando por el parking del organismo internacional para el que trabajo, descubrí que casi las mismas letras aparecían en la matrícula de muchos coches. No estoy hablando de 'CD' que todo el mundo sabe que es 'Cuerpo Diplomático'. Aquí las letras eran 'BN' y 'GN' y no podía ser una coincidencia, así que decidí investigar un poco y descubrí que realmente tienen un significado:

"BN-GN: Para los vehículos cuyo propietario no está sujeto a impuestos, como el personal de embajadas, sin estatus diplomático, los consulados o las organizaciones internacionales como la ESA('B'uitenlander in 'N'ederland or 'G'een 'N'ederlander que significa Extranjero en los Países Bajos o No holandés respectivamente)."
Traducido de: Wikipedia, Vehicle Registration Plates of the Netherlands

Ahora he de decir que yo soy simplemente una persona 'normal' :-), ni una embajadora ni una astronauta, por lo que mi matrícula no tiene ni 'BN' ni 'GN'. De todas formas, no estoy muy segura de que me gustase tener un distintivo que dijera "soy extranjera y no pago impuestos aquí" al resto del mundo. ¿Es esta distinción realmente necesaria? ¿Te gustaría tener algo así?

2 comentarios:

Barba Larga dijo...

Another interesting thing about plates: what happens when you leave the country? You go to the RDW to unregister the car. This is very important in order to stop receiving the route tax invoice every term. However, when you do this, you have to leave the plates at the RDW. They provide you a new, temporary, plate number, valid just to leave the country. And... what about the actual plates with this temporary number? Well, if you request it, the RDW can produce them for you at once: IN CARDBOARD! So, beware of the rain ;-)

SuperPi dijo...

@Barba Larga, carboard in the Netherlands???!!!!! Aren't they just freaking crazy?????!!!! But wait, sure you laminated them, right? That is so like you :-D