domingo, 21 de junio de 2009

Life in plastic, is fantastic!

Spanish courgette bought at Albert Heijn. Photo by SomosUno.

One of the (many) things I find a bit weird at the supermarket is that everything is wrapped in plastic. Even vegetables, like a simple courgette, a cucumber or an eggplant are wrapped individually. I guess this is so that the barcode sticker can be placed on the plastic and not directly on the food.

I have noticed also, that Dutch people don't usually make a large shopping for the entire week. Many days, I observe people waiting at the counter queue, buying what it looks like their dinner for that day only. This could be also another reason to have everything wrapped in single portions.

I would say that in Spain we are more big consumers. Either that or we have less time to go shopping every other day.

Una de tantas cosas que encuentro extrañas en el supermercado es que todo está envuelto en plástico. Incluso verduras, como un calabacín, un pepino o una berenjena, están envueltos individualmente. Me imagino que esto eso para poner la pegatina con el código de barras sobre el plástico y no sobre el propio alimento.

También he notado que los holandeses no suelen hacer una compra grande para toda la semana. Muchos días observo a la gente en la cola del súper y llevan lo que parece ser la cena del día únicamente. Esto podría ser también otra razón para tener todo en raciones pequeñas.

Yo diría que en España somos mucho más consumistas. O eso, o que no tenemos tanto tiempo como para hacer la compra día sí, día no.

2 comentarios:

Arno dijo...

Cool and funny to read how you see the Dutch habits. It is actually funny that many vegetables are wrapped in plastic. I guess also to keep them fresh, but that's not necessary for cucumbers. :S Maybe it looks more exclusive and the expensive supermarkets think they can make it pricier for this little extra. So keep writing about your Netherlands adventures! :) take care, Arno

SuperPi dijo...

@Arno- Hey Arno!! Thanks for reading! You are right that maybe not all supermarkets have this. I have a "Albert Heijn" and "Dirk van der Broek" in front of my house and it is true that I see more "plastic-wrapped food" in AH. I will keep doing some research about this using my Sherlock Holmes skills ;-)