domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2007

Los niños vienen de París / Children come from Paris

Definitivamente los niños vienen de París y una cigüeña lleva los bebés a sus mamás y papás. Una de ellas parece que ha hecho un aterrizaje de emergencia aquí en Hoofddorp. Estos holandeses tienen estas cosas tan curiosas que me sorprenden y a la vez me parto de la risa. ¿No es adorable?

Definitely, children come from Paris and a stork brings babies to their mommies and daddies. One of them seems that had to do an emergency landing here in Hoofddorp. These Dutchies have these curious things that surprise me and make me laugh out loud. Isn't it lovely?

4 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Je,Je..Que bueno,pobrecita cigueña,menudo leñazo..Que ocurrencias tienen por alli,no se aburren,no,..Besitos

Anónimo dijo...

Os voy a tener que explicar a estas alturas de dónde vienen los niños? Nooo, eh? Me parece que nooo...


Anónimo dijo...

¡Hola Pilar! ¡¿Como estas?! How are you doing with CKE?

I heard the shocking news too. Apparently, the baby lost control of the stork (cigüeña) when landing at Schiphol airport. The bird crashed but the baby escaped with a safety parachute in his parents' garden! Air traffic control commented that the baby was flying lower and faster than advised. Many people have recently been complaining about noise of low flying storks and babies doing stork races in the early morning.
Photo in yesterday's newspaper:
A number of storks will now be equipped with better GPS and auto-pilot systems, and receive extra training; results of the test are expected in 2 months (

Tell me more, tell me more... I want to know everything that's funny or weird about us Dutch people! ;) Already discovered a lot of Dutch strange habits in Australia, but Australians ones too!

By the way, nice to have an English version now, although I'm trying(!) to read the Spanish version. :)

See you, take care.

Anónimo dijo...

Have you heard of the household of 14? The tax collector entered the house and there were children everyhwhere from 1 to 17 years of age, but he noticed what seemed to be a featherless chicken laying on the floor next to a bed and asked, "What's this chick doing down there?" And one of the children replied, "It's not a chicken it's the 'stork', she could't fly any more after she brought little Tommy there,"